About Us

About Us

On a mission to democratize outreach

For far too long, slick salespeople have dominated our inboxes.

Whether it's clunky emails starting with "Hey [FirstName]" or misplaced Nigerian princes, it's obvious that regular folks like us haven't had the powerful reach that we deserve.

PodPitch is here to save the day: finally, anyone can intelligently reach out to the masses at scale.

Good values make good companies.

Collaboration, Not Competition

We believe in win-win outcomes and we've developed an incredible technology. We're here to share it with the world in a way that helps everyone out.


We're building in public as best as we can. All of our team members are an open book – ask us anything. We're here for you.


All PodPitch customers get 24/7 support through a dedicated Slack channel. When you need us, we'll be there.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is PodPitch?

PodPitch is a software that leverages the world's best databases, incredible PR expertise, and AI to automatically create media lists & draft pitches on your behalf.

2. How does PodPitch work?

Researching: We've meticulously created a vast database of podcasts, journalists, and influencers.

Pitching: Utilizing AI-driven messaging, we send tailored pitches via email. Every email is 100% unique.

Assisting: Human team members can provide any additional support needed, like responding back to the emails for you.

3. How much does it cost? Is there a commitment?

PodPitch is quoted individually per team.

4. How does onboarding work?

1. Build Your Profile
After you sign up, you can build your profile(s) and load in information.

2. Turn on Matching
When you're ready, click 'go' to turn on matching for podcasts, journalists, and/or influencers. You can confirm or tweak matching.

3. Click "Send"!
Load up your credits and click "send" to start automatically sending up to 500 emails per day from you.

5. Can just anyone try PodPitch?

Our current demand far exceeds our capacity. We'll be rolling out PodPitch to select industries in order of volume.

6. When is your public beta open?

We're expecting our public beta to be released in April 2024.

7. Do you guarantee podcast appearances?

As you may know, there are no coverage guarantees in PR. However, we guarantee you'll have a better success rate than pitching them on your own.

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